Monday, January 26, 2015


Francis Mbuvi reports on a visit to a street base called Pumwani....

"At pumwani base on Tuesday, there was A guy who was being shaved with a naked razor! It was one of those hard things to watch. He had his "msii" (a potent brew for huffing), and every time he tried to move, the razor cut him! Byron gave some tips but the guys there just wanted to see a clean shine - I think whatever the cost. We asked them to wait for a minute as Terron prayed, then we left. As we walked to the next base we could not help but wonder how he felt. At the same time we should not overlook how much care they had for him - if we can call it that.  Could pain be part of Love? Just wondering."



Francis Mbuvi reports on activities for boys at the Eastleigh Center....

"The programs in Eastleigh for 2015 started last Monday with 38 boys coming; the following Tuesday 40 came. Yesterday, 56 boys came. Most of them are coming from Mutindwa and Globe bases.
We had a discussion as to why there was such a big number, and it occurred that they like the food we prepare for them! Some of the boys had told the team when they visited Globe - "Napenda Chakula mob -- chapo, mandazi, ndengu na dodo" (“I like the variety of choice -- chapati, mandazi, lentils and beans").  They are able to eat and even carry some for later.  All that plus the extra fruit and tea they have at the Center in the morning makes it worthwhile for them to walk two or more miles. Moses and Byron have been alternating in teaching, and they say the kids understand the Bible stories they teach.

We praise God."



Francis Mbuvi reports on a recent visit to the "bases" where street youth and kids sleep...

"While visiting the High Rise base, we came across Mercy and her three children. As you know, it's never easy living with kids in the base. She had told Monicah (5) and Wairimu (3) to sit by the roadside and beg for money. Since they know our team, the kids tried to run from us mostly because Monicah had a bottle of Msii in her mouth!  Mercy was sleeping on the side of the road with young James (1). Larry bought Juice for the two older ones while Byron and Mary woke up Mercy.
I talked to Jane Abuti, who told me that we had helped Monicah into a Lutheran home in Pangani, but the mother had gone and taken her so she can use her to beg for money. The team decided to take the child back and beg for her return to school and thankfully she was re-admitted.
The Team went out of their way to help Monicah and felt great that she would be safe. But even as they celebrate Monicah going to school, they know Wairimu and his younger brother are headed for danger. We keep hoping to find some way of helping the others.

Blessings, Mbuvi"

Thursday, January 1, 2015


It's a gray and rainy New Year's Day, and I am going to write New Year's Resolutions.  I have not done this for 23 years, since we moved to Kenya.  When we arrived in Nairobi, we felt so useful and we were very busy with teenagers and with the technical college and later with street kids - there seemed no reason or time to write resolutions.  But this year is different.  We embark on another grand adventure this year -- with plans to take Made in the Streets to another country.  It is necessary!

Necessary because street kids everywhere need a redeeming presence.  Necessary because churches with mission points need to know for sure that doing street ministry along with church planting is do-able and adds tremendously to the mission.  We want to see other churches sponsor street ministries in the many heavily populated poverty-ridden areas of the world where thousands upon thousands of children live outside, without hope and home. resolutions...

  1. I resolve to help MITS raise $1 million in 2015 to take street ministry to another country.
  2. I resolve (and Darlene agrees) to give back $10,000 of our 2015 salary to MITS to do this.
  3. I resolve to find 99 other people who have $10,000 to give for street ministry in 2015. 


Don't you want to see all street kids end up this way?  Caroline came from a
terrible situation.  She has now worked full-time for 8 years, owns a piece of land,
and is about to marry a youth minister.   They are standing in our yard holding a book
on how to help a good marriage.