The following report was turned in to the missions committee at Otter Creek Church and to the Board of Made in the Streets. We thought maybe all of you would like to see a summary of events in the first quarter of the year. The 2010 Goals are listed first.
· STUDENT POPULATION: Increase our boarding program students total in Eastleigh and Kamulu to a maximum of 100 students.
· SECURITY: Ensure all our property is fenced and planted with kayaba (thorny bushes) and trees where possible; get dogs for all properties and take other measures as they prove cost-worthy and do-able.
· SKILLS TRAINING: Work on getting the skills classes increased to at least double capacity with the addition of catering and hairdressing. Both skills training and the children’s center be open to the public, depending on approval from the Board.
· CONSTRUCTION: Multi-purpose hall built that can also be used by the church. Ag/Weld Building to be completed on the 20 acre property. New Boys’ Dorm to be completed on the Boys’ Property. Girls’ property to be refurbished and enlarged – building a wall to enclose the house Mbuvis lived in and building a dining hall/lounge in front of the kitchen
· CHURCH: Plant and help grow a street youth church in Eastleigh.
· FARM: 50% or more dependability on farm produce for basic foodstuff.
· TEAM: Develop a staff development program in consultation with the Otter Creek Church of Christ and our advisors.
· We made a timetable for the first 3 months for the Education Department, scheduling where each student will be. We have two literacy classes. Learning continued in Literacy and skills in the Kamulu centre.
· We moved five young mothers from Eastleigh to train in skills at Kamulu – cooking, hairdressing, sewing and auto mechanics.
· We kept former students Francis Cugia, Kenneth Wambugu and Mercy Wanja to train on the job in the street ministry, auto mechanics and the cafeteria respectively,
· Willys Odhiambo (farming at Brookside Dairy), Grace Wahu (catering), Francis Wahome (mechanics) and Joseph Wambua (mechanics) found internships.
· We had a new girl join us from Mlango kubwa base named Priscah Kerubo.
· We had a day camp for one week with Andrew and Katera with the main theme being “Reveal your true identity in Christ”. This culminated in a concert on the 20th of the month. There was a guest group called Teen Challenge.
· 12 students were baptized—Alex Atemai, Anastacia Njeri, Mercy Mugure, Dennis Kamau, Dotrine Zainabu, Florence Moraa, Jane Njoki, Michael Mackenzie, Cecelia Mwenza, Lucy Achieng, Mary Njoki and Francis Ndungu.
· In keeping with a new plan for staff development, we are hiring the following people:
o Hellen - a nursery school teacher
o Terry - a salon worker, helping in girls’ dorm
o Phyllis - a salon trainer, helping in girls’ dorm
o Magdeline - a catering school teacher
· We moved Millicent Omondi from the cafeteria and put her as a helper in the nursery.
· Mbuvi met with every team member and urged a recommitment to serving students and street youth.
· One of our team members was suspended for a month -- Anthony Owino. The ministry is considering whether to dismiss Anthony after the month is over, during which he will meet with Mbuvi and other Team members.
· We started using the nursery school building with 9 children.
· Repairs were done at the girls’ drainage system.
· All the irrigation zones were prepared, seedbeds planted and new chicks ordered.
· The gate at the 20 acres was widened a little because it was small.
· We installed wire mesh at the learning centre court grills and side doors so that we can use the dogs inside the compound.
· Fencing of the 20 acres was completed. This was done because the fence had been torn down in September 2008 when the area member of parliament and others invaded.
· 14 street youth were sent to various schools or job sites for training in skills.
· Friendships, visits and evangelism were made in the streets with two new bases visited, Kayole and Ngara.
· Base visits and evangelism continued as well as the street youth programs in Eastleigh with a street “couples” meetings being initiated.
· We had one street girl baptized----Margaret Wanjiru.
· The church continued to meet outside along with the Sunday morning class and Sunday school, in spite of sometimes heavy rains. Each last Sunday of the month the church has a fellowship lunch or snacks after worship.
· We had Katera and Andrew from China and Joel Reed and his wife and Mike and Trisha Hyodo from Lighthouse church visit us and work with us for a while.