Tuesday, July 6, 2010

WANTED: A Few Good Recruits

Jackton Omondi, he of the tender heart, was in Kayole a few days ago getting parts for the big bus. He came across three street boys - Sam, George and Isaac. They say they are 8, 10 and 12 years old, all of them younger than the ones we take to live with us at Kamulu. The government doesn't want us to mix teens with younger kids, and our focus has always been on teenagers. But Jackton talked with these boys, and he cared deeply about them. They are in a homeless and hopeless situation. Jackton said, as he has before, "Isn't there something more we can do for these kids?" He got them something to eat and talked with them while they ate.

There is something that could be done. Please pray for it. And it isn't terrible difficult, because some of what is needed is already in place. At MITS we already have land where boys from the streets aged 5 to 12 could be housed, if someone would build the housing and take care of them. At MITS we already have leaders who have the ability to train other leaders in street ministry, in living with and loving and educating boys from the streets, and in helping kids progress in their relationships and faith.

What we need is someone to take the lead. We need 2 or 3 American Christians to raise support for themselves, to raise money for housing, food and a program led by Kenyans, to come to Nairobi and develop the program. Our Team can recruit and train the Kenyans who would do this ministry with you. And MITS will provide the land to build on.

It's just the thing that God wants to do. He himself goes to the garbage dumps and lifts the beggars out of the dirt and gives them a new life. And all you need to do is go along with Him and do your part. He is good and will not fail you.

And we will be your cheerleaders! So come over to Nairobi and help us rescue these kids. When you are through with them at 12, they can enter the regular MITS program and end up getting skills training from us. You are welcome.

And Jackton will be ever so grateful.

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