Monday, September 10, 2012

Street Visit in September 2012

We have this note from Francis Mbuvi - 
he is our Administrator, lives at Kamulu
and spends each Wednesday working
on the streets in Eastleigh. 

"This was the second Donholm base 
we visited yesterday.  There were
fifteen boys who stopped searching
in the garbages for charcoal and
other things to sell, so they could 
listen to what we had to say.

Byron and Moses had finished talking 
and it was my turn when I noticed
that the boys kept using "Kamsii" and
not really listening. 

I challenged them to do what the people 
in Ephesus did when Paul told them about
the saving love and power of Jesus.
They burned their magic books.  

What they did was completely put away their "sniffings" 
until Larry and Jane finished sharing!!  

We praised God for we know just how addicted they are - 
showing yet again that Jesus is more powerful than any other thing. 
Be blessed"

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