Thursday, January 17, 2013

Direct Help to Street Kids

Made in the Streets wants to do as much as possible for street kids in Nairobi.  We want as much as possible of our money to directly benefit the young people who must sleep on the streets.  We want to make a future for them.  We want them to know God.  We want them to have joy and hope.  We want them to know they are loved and worthy.

In 2013 we want to do more than we have done in the past.  There are a lot of ways you can help us to directly benefit street kids.  Here are a few -- maybe one or more of these will resonate with you.  We want you to have the opportunity to be of direct help to kids in trouble....

  • Plan now for December - each year we want the kids to have a Happy Holiday!  We plan many activities for these kids who cannot be with relatives in December, the way most people are.  We have a holiday meal, we have a day to invite relatives to visit MITS, we give food and clothing to youth sleeping on the streets, we take our students to the Water will cost about $6,000.  
  • Student-Team Trip - we want our street kid students to know their country.  Each year we want to take a trip somewhere to experience the countryside, the culture and the sights.  A trip in 2013 - probably in November - will cost about $6,000
  • Bread for the Streets - a friend to MITS gave money in 2012 so that our catering students can bake bread every other Thursday and our Team can take bread rolls to the streets on Fridays to give out to street kids, who never get enough food and who often eat garbage.  $2,000 for a year's supply.
  • Protection - we want to have guards to protect the students and the properties they live and study in; two guards will cost $1,800 each for one year, starting in April.  Total $3,600 for 2013.
  • VBS Trips - we train our students to serve and teach - if we make three trips to villages to do Bible schools for children, the cost will be about $1,000 a trip, or a total of $3,000. 
  • Shopping Trips - we want to take our students on regular shopping trips - 6 in a year - with each student getting about $5; they usually buy clothes, shoes, personal grooming.  Cost: $500 a trip. 
  • Video Setup - our students love movies, and it is a great way to learn.  A projector setup with screen, speakers and DVDs costs about $1,500.  
  • Computer Studies - we have built new computer rooms.  An N-computing setup with computers and workstations and cables is estimated at $7,200.
  • Library Growth -- we need shelves, tables, chairs and more books - Cost:  $1,300
  • Sunday School classrooms - our students learn, and also help teach younger kids - 3 rooms with chairs, tables and supplies - $15,000
  • Aggs for Christ - all new skills students in all areas will also study agriculture, from a Biblical point of view -- tools, seeds, water hoses, books - $2,000
  • Skills Training Equipment -- we need more and replacement equipment for hairdressing, sewing, woodworking, auto mechanics, catering - $2,000 each - total: $10,000
  • Intake of New Students -- more kids are on the streets, and some of them fit our criteria and can be successful - want to take in 20 new teens in 2013, average cost $200 - total: $4,000
  • Graduation and Exit - we should have 15 finishing in 2013 - we have extra costs beyond the sponsorship involved with getting the youth in a job and a home and becoming self-supporting - about $150 more per person - total:  $2,250
  • Meat for Lunch -- we want our kids to eat more meat, more protein.  Meat for lunch one day per week costs about $50.  48 more weeks in 2013 equals $2,400
  • Bibles needed in several places - classrooms, residences, Eastleigh Center - need 260 Bibles at $6 each is $2,560
  • Holiday Party at Eastleigh for youth sleeping on the streets - clothes, food, Bible study -- 400 youth at $4 each is $1,600.
  • School Fees - for youth on streets who do not quality to live at Kamulu but would learn a skill - 6 month practicum - $200 fees, $300 rent, $200 food -- that is $700 per person, goal of 10 in 2013 for a total of $7,000
  • Weekly Meal for Street Kids - we can provide a meal each week for up to 400 street kids at a cost of $1.25 per person -- per week is $500.  For the next 48 weeks is $24,000.  
  • Come to Nairobi as a Mission Specialist - for 2 weeks to 2 months.  Train a Team member and/or students in your specialty - auto mechanics, woodworking, sewing, hairdressing, catering/cooking, masonry, electrical wiring, auto-electric, or _______________ .  Will cost you about $3,000 for the trip and expenses, more if you add a safari trip or have other personal expenses.
  • Food on the Streets -- enable our Eastleigh Team to take food to the streets, to the bases - $50 for one time a week; rest of the year $2,400.  

GIVE ONLINE - see web side on "How to Help".  Or send check to Made in the Streets, 409 Franklin Road, Brentwood, TN 37027.  All gifts are tax deductible, as Made in the Streets is a 501(C)3 organization.

Please write me at to let me know what you want to give for direct ministry to street kids.
A "base" of street youth listen to a Team member of MITS teach and encourage. 

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