Friday, January 17, 2014

Back to the Bases

After a long break from visiting our friends in the bases, we were back at it again this Wednesday. Our destinations were Mutindwa and Donholm. Since a train accident last year near the Mutindwa area, many hawkers and street children had been chased from that area. Recently they have moved back albeit slowly. When we got here, four of the boys were sleeping while three were awake and four others were collecting something in the heap of garbage nearby. Byron, who constantly visits the bases, was known to the boys and they welcomed us. We sat down and, after a prayer from Jane Abuti, Larry and I encouraged the boys in the word of God. 

On our way to Donholm, we met with four boys whom we had not seen before.  When Byron said hello to them and told them where we come from, one said "Najua Madi" (I know MITS). This was good for us, and we asked the one who knew our center to bring the others on Monday and Tuesday. At the Donholm base, we met 15 boys.  After our encouragement, we took them for lunch at a nearby kiosk only to end up with 29. There has been an increase in the number of young boys in the streets and we believe everyone of them deserves a chance. Slowly, one by one, we hope to continue giving the opportunity to know Christ and to change.

by Francis Mbuvi
Young Guys at the Bases

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