Thursday, May 22, 2014

Becoming Parents Again

We have some GOOD NEWS, and if you want to help us with this, please let me know.  Write me at  We have a former student who had a baby when we met her and was pregnant, and she was only 15 at the time.  She left us without learning English very well and was never interested in learning a skill.  She ended up living with a man who did not want her children around.  So this precious little girl and boy have been shifted around different places - after we had all fallen in love with them!

Jackton and Millie Omondi have had meetings with the young woman, with local authorities and people from the children's department, and they have received custody of Mna (or Purity) and Larry. We are thrilled; they will become like our grandchildren, since they are in Mitsville also.  Larry has been with them for the past two months, and today they brought Mna home from the latest place where she has been.

We think Jackton and Millie will need some help with school fees and other expenses for the kids.  If you are willing to help, please let me know.  I am hoping to get somewhere between $100 and $200 per month for them.
Mna in 2010 at the MITS Learning Center.  She is cute and worthy!!

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