Monday, October 27, 2008

20 Acres Update

Greetings!  So many good things happen among us at Made in the Streets, and we have only a few bumps along the way.  And the bumps always turn out to be good for us, for our kids and for the ministry.  Jesus wants this street ministry done, and He leads the way.  

As to the 20 acre bump, we have a hearing in high court on November 11 -- mostly to issue a judgment as to whose property this is.  We have all our documents -- allocation letter from the Drumvale Cooperative, Lease Title from the Department of Lands, a confirming letter from Drumvale that we are the only ones issued rights to the land, receipts for taxes paid... 

The people who have invaded the land continue to build - they have now filled in the foundation area with stones and today they delivered ballast.  They still have to bring in cement and sand for the concrete for the foundation. It is likely they will get the walls up before the court date.  That is a little worrisome for us, but the lawyer has told us of numerous cases in Nairobi where people have built on other people's land, then had even large apartment buildings torn down by bulldozers after a court case -- he says not to worry.  So, we are trying to do what a lawyer told me a long time ago in Redwood City about a court case regarding a home, "Let me do the worrying."  

We trust God, and the promise is that the best will be done for us, however human, earthly and material affairs work out.  After all, this is His land, and he holds the stars in His hand.  

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