Monday, October 27, 2008

Conversion: Faith, Repentance and Baptism

What a wonderful day!  We are glowing at Made in the Streets.  October 12 four of our boys were baptized into Jesus - Francis Cugia, George Mwenda, Francis Wahome and Titus Kioko.  Many of these kids already believed in God when they were on the streets, but they didn't know and understand Jesus.  And they had very little knowledge of God's Word or of what God wants in our lives.  And one of the great things about conversion for them is that we have seen them come through repentance.  

All of the guys who come to live at Kamulu have turned away from a life dominated by glue-sniffing.  And many of them have been thieves -- picking pockets, grabbing food or purses and running, breaking into shops at night, taking things away from younger or weaker boys and girls, and so on.  And they easily slip into a life of lying -- to relatives, to strangers, to police -- about almost everything.  Many of them have been sexually active, even as young as 9 or 10 years old, and many have raped girls on the streets. When they come to Kamulu, most of that changes very quickly, and they seem truly glad to change.  For some the lying and violence takes a little longer to change, but we see real changes that are just short of miraculous in almost all the kids' lives.  

Then Sunday, October 26, four more boys came for baptism - Frederick Otieno, Duncan Kamau, John Mwangi and Edward Muhea.  They have all been studying and thinking and talking to one another, and we are so pleased with them.  I know that those of you who sponsor these boys are happy also; thank you for the prayers and support and love you show for them.

All of them can tell you all about the passages in the New Testament about baptism! 

1 comment:

Hawkeye fan said...

Charles, so glad to read of four more baptisms. We just recieved a wbs lesson yesterday from John Mwangi...we will hand deliver the next one! Also yesterday Frederick's sponsor gave me some money to deliver to him. And, I was so pleased to tell Wayne Teakell his student had been baptized that morning. Charles, it bought tears to Wayne's eyes.I can hardly wait to get there...Larry