Friday, April 3, 2015

Sadness at Terror

Friends of Made in the Streets will have seen the news about the attack on Garissa University, which took more lives than the Westgate Mall attack in Nairobi.  We are all saddened at the loss of young lives, who were preparing at University for a future career.

We do want our friends to know that Garissa is 220 miles from Nairobi, and it takes almost five hours to drive there.  None of our students come from the area around Garissa.

Keep us and our students in mind when you talk with God, as the people behind this attack are angry at Kenya and have the freedom of movement to operate almost anywhere in the country.  We know that God is able, and we know that the future of many street children depend on our presence to help them have a new life -- in Christ, in families, in jobs.

May peace reign! May hope arise!


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