Sunday, July 20, 2008

Goals Set for 2008

1. We will strive to offer an even greater experience of GOD to our students in class, their dorms and everyday activities so more change can be effected in their lives.

2. Develop the program with young mothers and their children--house them in the Eastleigh Center and take them for skills training. Define this plan thoroughly for the Board and for direction of the Team.

3. Take willing street boys, girls and mothers to skills training whom we are not taking into our boarding program. We had success with 2 girls, 2 boys and 1 mom in 2007. We think more can be achieved this year. Define this program thoroughly for the Board and for direction of the Team.

4. Complete skills training building two (the Connor Brown Memorial Building) at the twenty acres and occupy it.

5. Increase our presence in the streets, Evangelism, organizing tournaments, trips, talent searches and build the 3 pm Sunday street youth worship time in Eastleigh.

6. Improve our teaching programs by keeping time, speaking English at learning center and counseling students. Book external exams for our students, both those in skills training and fast track.

7. Exit those who are 18, help them secure identity cards, attachments, jobs and find a new church to attend-- a total of 12 students this year.

8. Network with other organizations offering similar services as ours. This will help us improve and help a bigger number, including those with HIV and AIDS whom we come in contact with.

9. Follow-up on children who have been reconciled with their families to find out how they are doing as well as students who have left, for the same.

10. Lay irrigation lines at a section of the 20 acres, improve our productivity on the existing zones as well as taking better care of our animals.

11. Get internet connection at our virtual library and computer shop when cost is appropriate.

12. Create business and job experience opportunities for students; e.g, mechanics, sewing and woodwork.

13. Get electricity at the 20 acres.

14. Encourage both team members and students in church life and community outreach

15. Receive visitors to teach street children, students and the team. This has proven to be very encouraging and motivating in the past. In 2008 we expect Singing Oaks (Denton, TX) Church, Central (Cedar Rapids, IA) Church and Conejo Valley (Thousand Oaks, CA) Church and South MacArthur (Irving, TX) Church to bring groups.

16. Empower team members, students and other volunteers from the community to serve and to train others.

17. Add new students to replace those who will graduate and leave. 25 new students were added to Kamulu in 2007. We may add as many in 2008.

18. Hire new team members – to train in cooking and hairdressing, to operate the salon and tea house, and to work on the farm. One or more of these will double as a girls' or boys' dorm supervisor. Also add another person for the Eastleigh Center, either for supervision of street mothers or for child care.

19. Raise development funds through a series of fundraisers for internet access, a new bus, a boys' dorm at the 20 acres, a girls' dorm and new kitchen, staff training, a dining pavilion at the 20 acres, and a church building.

20. Submit a future development plan to the Board of Directors.

21. Plan to complete in 2008 buying the bus, finishing the girls' dorm and kitchen, building the 2nd skills training building at the 20 acres, gaining internet access at Kamulu and beginning staff training by sending two Team members to University. Save building of the church building, building of the boys' dorm at the 20 acres, the dining pavilion at the 20 acres, and additional staff training for 2009.

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