Saturday, July 19, 2008

Spiritual Life at Made in the Streets...

There are two aspects to spiritual growth in our students and Team. We find many of the students who are very happy to "learn about God" and who enjoy all the faith activities. One aspect of the growth is personal. The kids are encouraged to know God and to pray. Many of them want to have Bibles in the dorm so they can read regularly. Many of the faith activities at MITS are designed to encourage this personal growth.

So the second aspect is the faith activities. We ask the students to be part of the church and encourage them to be in a Sunday Bible class as well. Many of the older boys come to the adult class, and the younger teens go to the over 12 class taught by Joel Njue. All of the students attend a Sunday afternoon class that is a Bible study with "practice principles" which they give talks about in class. Several of the students are helpers in Sunday school. Many students have gone on Vacation Bible School trips, teaching children in other congregations on weekend or holiday trips. We have chapel each weekday morning, and students are encouraged to present inspirational stories, lead prayer and select songs to share.

The students then take the opportunity to practice their faith. Some of the young people share and serve in the assembly - songs, Lord's Supper, collection, prayers. And they often ask visitors to read the Bible with them. Not all the kids respond wholeheartedly to the spiritual life, but a surprising number of them do. Almost every student decides to be baptized into Christ. Our dream is that they will all be part of an active church life when they leave us. That dream isn't fulfilled with every student, but it is with enough to make it all worthwhile.

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