Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rejoicing in Faith (again)

Greetings on a fine day in May.  It rained in Kamulu yesterday, and today the sun is growing crops and fruit and flowers.  The rain may blow in a little more rain.  We wore our gumboots this morning to chapel.  

We rejoice in the work done by our street ministers -- Kennedy and Anthony and Ann and Larry and Hollye -- and also Jane and Augustina, who work with them.  There were 55 street Moms at the program Monday (a few of these have gotten off the streets through faith and sometimes with our help), and they had a great time.  A woman named Jane, who is a member of the Kamulu Church, goes in on Mondays with Maureen Mbuvi and a couple of other Team members.  Some go to the streets and some work with the mothers.  Jane has begun to teach, and the report is that she is wonderful!!  And she's a happy volunteer! 

There were two baptisms on Monday. The young woman with the red scarf is Jessica, and the one in brown is Esther.  Hollye wrote this about our new sisters

"Jessica - has been coming to the program for a long time...she came to the girls program for several years... has a beautiful singing voice and all are blessed every time we hear her... her husband is presently in jail ... she has a baby about 3 months old...she h

as been on the brink of going back to living on the street, but we have assisted her some to keep her and the baby off the street.


Esther - used to work near Made in the Streets as a house girl for a family...she gave birth to a healthy baby and did not have money or any family to pay the hospital bill...she stayed in the hospital a month until social workers helped release her...the people who had employed her before the birth told her she could not live there after the baby came...Esther had nowhere to go and so she came to MITS knowing we assisted people in desperation...we have helped get her on her feet and she has been coming to the program on a regular basis...we rejoice with the angels as we bring them into God's family"

A nice week's work for the Eastleigh Team.  

1 comment:

francis mbuvi said...

Jesus is still claiming the word for his glory--what a joy. Good Job to team.